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#1 2020-01-06 23:43:56

Registered: 2019-11-17
Posts: 59

General release edition

As of December 21st the book has now gone on general sale, and a small number of changes have been made in order to streamline some of the codes, particularly early on in the book. This is intended to amend some elements that proved to be more confusing than intended in order to make the book more approachable for a more general audience.

Where these changes might affect any discussion, multiple forums have been created - one for the original backer-only edition, and one for the revised edition. Usually these changes are really minor, such as pluralizing a word to make a clue more explicit, altering a typeface, or adding a background arrow to show a direct link between two elements on page - but nonetheless it is sensible to separate the discussion in order to avoid any confusion.


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